We exist to provide weary women with a safe community where they can experience rest, encouragement, healing and renewal. We also believe that the best setting for these things to take place is in the context of a safe, supportive, and compassionate community where women with similar struggles can share their own stories without fear of judgement or disapproval.

Though we recognize that the church is God’s provision for community in the biblical context (Hebrews 10:24, 25), we also recognize that the church body, for a variety of reasons is not the best setting for stories of struggle, brokenness, and abuse to be shared. For that reason, Resting Under His Wings is providing a community for women who are seeking support, understanding, healing and help in a safe and confidential setting.

We also recognize that it is the working of the Holy Spirit who brings about the healing that a woman needs. In light of that, we are simply providing the environment (a warm and comfortable home) and the opportunity (small groups of women) for women to experience God’s grace in its various forms (see group titles) and to find the healing, help and encouragement they are needing.

Upcoming 2024 - 2025 groups:

Personal Quiet Time
Personal Retreat Day

Finding Rest - read more ...

Guided Group Time
Hagar’s Table

Community - read more ...

Coaching with Karen

Coaching with Karen - read more ...

Given Karen's background, education, experience, and love for the Lord and for women, Karen is stepping into her sweet spot with Resting Under His Wings. As her pastor, I have watched her over many years reach out to women and seek to be a safe person, a good listener, and a source of encouragement. Karen personally  understands the need for rest, encouragement and community due to difficult situations she has experienced in her own life. I am excited to see how God uses Karen as she opens the door of her life and home to those in need of what, by God's grace, she can offer.

Pastor Tim Barton
Pastor of Canby Alliance Church
Canby, Oregon